Saturday, March 22, 2008

Overspending this month

I was unreasonably depressed recently.. and ended up.. I spend on lots of er.. toys. I know.. depression is a lousy excuse... :P. Anyway, just a list of stuffs that I bought this month, if only to keep track :-

(1) Sony PLAYSTATION®3 ( YES!!!! after 5-6 months of pondering... I finally got it ) no games yet though... :( so am just using it to play demos for the moment.
(2) the Soundtrack to Across the Universe... which I highlighted in a previous post, and I happened to saw it @ HMV the other day
(3) The DVD to Eason Chan's Moving On Concert... excellent performance by the new king of canto pop.
(4) Some Blu-ray disc ( though... I don't have a HDTV yet :( but taking advantage of the buy 2 get 1 free Blu-ray promotion, means I get each movie for around 15 bucks. :) ) Making up this list are :- Happy Feet, Cars, A Scanner Darkly, Corpse Bride, The Fugitive and Ratatouille.
(5) Watchmen TPB from the Kinokuniya member sale.

Of course.. with this overspending.. I really hope to make up for it next month. which means.. no more extravagance spending till I get things back on track again. :(