Wednesday, September 26, 2007

the geep is now the Geep

Good news :- I have been promoted to Graphics Programmer, effective November...
pending confirmation from above, but all the details have been ironed out. This is something which I have wanted since I joined the company.

but somehow... I still feel quite empty... like there's no one here to share the joy with me...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Someday I'd Be Saturday Night....

It's funny how a lot of times, people regret over things which had already happened. But I really can't help feeling this is one of those situations. I wished I could say, it's too late and I should concentrate on the now, and the future... and I should really... I need to move on, I need to forget about everything, and start from zero again, right now, but there were days when that's just so darned hard and tough... I know pretty darn well that someday, it'd be Saturday night. but right now, I just don't know how to get there... yet... sigh...

I really don't know what I should do... it's like a deja vu situation. and I really screwed it up pretty badly the first time around. and I absolutely have no idea how to approach the situation this time around. And I get more depressed that I'm actually just sitting here doing nothing about it. I know I need to get things fixed soon. but it's just not soon enough... sigh...

Anyway, what I wanted to say is... I'm sorry I've been such a selfish bastard before... I really am... I really hope that things will change.... really soon. really really soon... not soon enough for you... sigh...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Goodkat and Kelevra

One of the better movies I have watched for sometime now... I don't usually liked movies with Bruce Willis in it, except for maybe Pulp Fiction... and Sin City... and Twelve Monkeys... and The Sixth Sense... and The Jackal... hey... the dude's been in some very good movies after all. :P