Saturday, September 15, 2007

Someday I'd Be Saturday Night....

It's funny how a lot of times, people regret over things which had already happened. But I really can't help feeling this is one of those situations. I wished I could say, it's too late and I should concentrate on the now, and the future... and I should really... I need to move on, I need to forget about everything, and start from zero again, right now, but there were days when that's just so darned hard and tough... I know pretty darn well that someday, it'd be Saturday night. but right now, I just don't know how to get there... yet... sigh...

I really don't know what I should do... it's like a deja vu situation. and I really screwed it up pretty badly the first time around. and I absolutely have no idea how to approach the situation this time around. And I get more depressed that I'm actually just sitting here doing nothing about it. I know I need to get things fixed soon. but it's just not soon enough... sigh...

Anyway, what I wanted to say is... I'm sorry I've been such a selfish bastard before... I really am... I really hope that things will change.... really soon. really really soon... not soon enough for you... sigh...


Ah Siang said...



There is always a second chance.

SoupLad said...

Be a man, do the right thing... = )

D3r4ng3d C0w said...


unfortunately it's not the second chance liaoz... more like the 5th -10th chance... I screwed up big time... sigh...


I wish I know what the right thing is... cos everywhere I look, there does not seemed to be way out without anyone getting hurt.