Saturday, June 7, 2008

Cars On Blu-Ray

I remembered around 7-8 years ago when I popped in my DVD for The Matrix, and was impressed by how sharp and clear the images were. Today, I was really impressed by Blu-ray when I decided to "finally" put in the BD for Cars. It was amazing, the resolution is truly great, and I am wondering what's the next step in audio-visual technology. Maybe I should try some other live-action movies later...

But now... time for more Rock Band practise...

I love my PS3 so much...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Does obnoxious ppl knows they are obnoxious?

And so a few weeks has gone by, and I guess I am doing better.

Now that I get that out of the way :P, On to what I wanted to talk about.

Well, a discussion with a friend recently has again brought up something very interesting, well, she was kind of telling me about this obnoxious lady that she knew from work, and I was just wondering, there's probably like dozens, hundreds, or millions of these people around in this world, but really, do they really know that they are obnoxious? Come to think of it, Am I obnoxious and I just didn't know about it??? I promise, if someone are kind enough to point it out to me, I would try to change.

Anyway, I just saw some youtubes of people playing the bass, and I was just tempted to maybe give it a try... maybe...? well, we'll see about that...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

James Blunt's Same Mistake

Heard this song over the radio a few times, but on a lonely friday night, I decided to pull out and watch P.S. I Love You. well the movie is so-so... until the end credits where this song is played... and being me, when I find a song that matches exactly how I feel... well not really "exactly" but you get a rough idea, here's James Blunt, Same Mistake.

Saw the world turning in my sheets and once again I cannot sleep.
Walk out the door and up the street; look at the stars beneath my feet.
Remember rights that I did wrong, so here I go.
Hello, hello. There is no place I cannot go.
My mind is muddy but my heart is heavy. Does it show?
I lose the track that loses me, so here I go.

And so I sent some men to fight, and one came back at dead of night.
Said he'd seen my enemy. Said he looked just like me,
So I set out to cut myself and here I go.

I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice,
'Cause I'll just make the same mistake again.

And maybe someday we will meet, And maybe talk and not just speak
Don't buy the promises 'cause, there are no promises I keep.
And my reflection troubles me, so here I go.

I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice,
Give me reason, but don't give me choice,
'Cause I'll just make the same mistake,
I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice,
Give me reason, but don't give me choice,
'Cause I'll just make the same mistake again

Saw the world turning in my sheets and once again I cannot sleep.
Walk out the door and up the street; look at the stars.
Look at the stars fall down.
And wonder where did I go wrong.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Overspending this month

I was unreasonably depressed recently.. and ended up.. I spend on lots of er.. toys. I know.. depression is a lousy excuse... :P. Anyway, just a list of stuffs that I bought this month, if only to keep track :-

(1) Sony PLAYSTATION®3 ( YES!!!! after 5-6 months of pondering... I finally got it ) no games yet though... :( so am just using it to play demos for the moment.
(2) the Soundtrack to Across the Universe... which I highlighted in a previous post, and I happened to saw it @ HMV the other day
(3) The DVD to Eason Chan's Moving On Concert... excellent performance by the new king of canto pop.
(4) Some Blu-ray disc ( though... I don't have a HDTV yet :( but taking advantage of the buy 2 get 1 free Blu-ray promotion, means I get each movie for around 15 bucks. :) ) Making up this list are :- Happy Feet, Cars, A Scanner Darkly, Corpse Bride, The Fugitive and Ratatouille.
(5) Watchmen TPB from the Kinokuniya member sale.

Of course.. with this overspending.. I really hope to make up for it next month. which means.. no more extravagance spending till I get things back on track again. :(

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Now there's even more to touch....

Arrrgh... it's so tempting... it comes as no surprise a geek like me is so tempted to get the iPod Touch. as if it's not tempting enough,
(a) there's new application ( previously only available to the iPhone ) which makes it more like a PDA, rather than just an mp3 player.
(b) now there's a 32GB version.
(c) i saw at least 3 users on the train on the way home today using them... -_-;;;

so what is stopping me from getting one of these babies???
(a) I prefer to get a PS3 first... ( which I have delayed getting since 3-4 months ago, and I'm so desperate to play Rock Band!!! ) which is also cheaper than an iPod
(b) my old 4th Gen iPod is still alive and well ( 3 years old and it's still kicking )

and so, the verdict? I will delay this as long as i can... well, unless my old iPod suddenly died *evil grin*. ( I'm only kidding, pls dun die on me... o_o )

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Was getting sick of 4 hours straight of WoW for 2 straight days, and so I decided to watch a movie. So, introduce Across the Universe. The songs are so excellent in it, that I decided to add this to my cart :-

Come together... right now... over me...

Monday, January 28, 2008

I come from a little place called Teluk Intan in Malaysia. Now what I can't stand is lately, a lot of ppl has been trying to rename the place to Diamond Bay... duh! what is that all about? the name of the place is Teluk Intan. full stop. I don't really know what are they thinking, but I think they felt it might be "cooler" to say "I come from a place called Diamond Bay" but i think that is just so fake and stupid.

I mean I dun see ppl trying to rename Kuala Lumpur to "Muddy Confluence" ( er.. this translation is according to wikipedia) or Taiping into "Peacetown" or what will happen if all those places in China starts having their names translated to english? I would really like to beat up the first guy who trys to rename Hong Kong into "Fragrant Port"

Please, Teluk Intan is Teluk Intan. It is in Malaysia, where Malay is the national language. be proud of it. no point trying to rename it into another language. it loses it's uniqueness... By the way.. there are no diamond mines in Teluk Intan... just in case you are wondering.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

And so, another year has come and gone... and how better to start the year with a new job. it's a good start. I realised today that I actually work close to a really posh area. it's near clarke quay, it's also within walking distance (well... at least for me it is. ) to Plaza Sing, City Hall area and Somerset.

So today, I tried walking to work from Somerset. found some places where I can actually have nice breakfasts, albeit a bit on the pricey side. Note to self, need to wake up early and stop by and try these stalls.

and so, kinchio-san showed me this blog @ where I find this interesting comment :-

"Although they all work in a gaming-related company, they are the rare few who understand gamer lingo. It’s rather surprising to know that a lot of people from the local gaming industry, are not gamers themselves. Ideally, everyone should be a gamer to be working in the gaming industry. I always believe that brilliant works come from people who are passionate in what they do."

Well, I do work in the gaming-industry and honestly, I guess I'm adequate when it comes to "gamer lingo", but giving it further thought, I haven't really been playing much games lately. the last game I seriously played is WOW and that was like 6 months ago... I've been meaning to play some games, in fact I got some of them here, Crysis, Football Manager 2008 still in their boxes, the nearest I ever got to touching any of the game is Splinter Cell: Double Agent. I took it out, installed it, patched it, and that's that. Well to be honest, I am not really a very serious gamer in the first place anyway. I mean really, I am a sucker for nice graphics and a game with wacky storyline. but I dun really excel in any of them. blame it on slow hand eye coordination. So the million dollar question I wanted to ask is this, "Am I really still considered a passionate gamer? Do I really have the passion to be in the gaming industry?"

Whatever it is, I still hope to pick up Rock Band and/or Guitar Hero III one day. But... Playstation 3 first... Hope to get it... probably Q1 2008. Foo Fighter's The Pretender, I must play!