Sunday, August 12, 2007

personal analysis???

Out of boredom I did one of those online character analysis thingy...
and here's the result.

about you
You are a Designer

# As a DESIGNER, you are receptive to ideas and experiences, and enjoy the beautiful things in life, yet you are also grounded and realistic about yourself and the world.

# You have a quiet appreciation for beauty in all its forms – in nature, in people, and in human creations from architecture to movies.

# Instead of only focusing on functionality, you try to incorporate your good sense of style and taste into your choices.

# At times you feel unsure of yourself, especially when confronted by other people.

# You aren't the kind of person who insists on having things your way all the time – you are willing to go along with other people's opinions, even if you disagree.

# Others may not know this about you, but you are very interested in new ideas, thoughts, expressions, and experiences. You enjoy learning and trying new things.

# Although you are practical, you are anything but boring – you have depths to you that others cannot see.

# The idea of doing the same thing every day for the rest of your life scares you – you need more excitement and challenge than that!

# You have a remarkable eye for detail and precision, noticing things that others miss.

# You're not one to force your positions on a group, and you tend to be fair in evaluating different options.

# You are balanced in your approach to problem-solving, not letting your emotions hold you up.

# You prefer to have time to plan for things, feeling better with a schedule than with keeping plans up in the air until the last minute.

# You do your own thing when it comes to clothing, guided more by practical concerns than by other people's notions of style.

# You tend to believe that things happen for a reason, and that not everything is under our control.

If you want to be different:
# Have faith in your ideas, and voice them more often. Your unique perspective needs to be shared!
# Allow yourself to become fully immersed in your dreams now and then. You can develop your aesthetic vision even further by allowing your imagination to flourish.
# Be as open to your own wishes as you are to those of others.
how you relate to others

You are Concerned
# Your understanding of others' emotions, your sense of right and wrong, and your skeptical nature make you CONCERNED.

# Your observations of your environment, in concert with your clearly defined worldview, leads you to be aware of the feelings of others.

# Because you can read people well, and because you can understand their feelings, you are often bothered by others' insensitive behavior.

# While you appreciate others' emotional nature, you don't think their emotional concerns should take precedence over their obligations to society.

# You prefer to be in smaller groups, as big groups can occasionally get out of hand.

# Order and structure are somewhat important to you—you believe that people's feelings are better protected when others are respectful and follow certain societal guidelines.

# You tend to share your feelings with a few individuals who are close with you, but otherwise you are a somewhat private person.

If you want to be different:
# Let your caring nature allow you to put more trust in people in general—you can have more faith in them without losing your valuable skepticism.


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