Friday, August 10, 2007

So much anger...

I am sorry ( for the hundredth time, or maybe i've reached the thousandth time milestone now) that I've lost my patience... unreasonably, and I guess... I'm really sorry that I screamed at somebody today, I truly am. And I'm really sorry I left a bunch of friends worrying about me in front of Kino today wondering what the hell was wrong with me.. I guess there's really a lot of things wrong with me...

I just wished there's someway I can stop being so angry all the time, most of the time at myself.

I guess I really have to make it a point now... so like Ah Siang says.... "It's time for The Geep v.4.0" or maybe v.4.1.... or is it v.5.1 ?" and one of the bug I really have to fix... is the Anger Management System.


Ah Siang said...

welcome back to the system. Better revise it to Geep 5.0.

SoupLad said...

If the following is gonna make ya feel better....

I lost my cool, yell (over a teleconference) at my collegues and indirectly to my boss's boss and left the meeting room ...


sometimes u just need to let it out....(but not as dumb as me ...creating a recipe of my career disaster....)

Dude, take ya time .... even an uncle like me still has a significant amount of angst within and still taming the angry monkey between my ears... = )

Keep breathing and be well.